Strangely footers can be very irritating to create as they always seem to look a little misaligned or unprofessional. well luckily we have the answer for you! Here are 100 different footer components for you to copy and paste into your own UI designs.
There's a lot of thought that has gone into making these 100 footer bars and each design is available in desktop and mobile sizes so can be used for websites or apps. The designer has also made 100 nav bar templates which pair up very well with these footers.
What's amazing about this set of 100 footers is that they're all amazing, with none added just to make the template kit larger. There's also some unique designs if you want to look a little different.
To access the free Figma website footer templates pack; simply click the 'Get Figma File' button below, then click the 'Open in Figma' button in the top right corner of the subsequent page.
Author: Dani Tesler
Providing free Figma templates and
resources for your every need.
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