Here we have everything you need to create a really charming Valentines Day card or poster, or app or website or email message. A lover of love has kindly compiled a selection of truly high quality 3D and 2D assets into on single free Figma template.
Included are some endearing and cute 3D renders that look very high quality and professional. From cuddly bears to love hearts and calendars this set of assets has everything Valentines day related! Also there's a few sets of 2D icons included too so if you wish to have a simpler design it's supported! Plus did we mention some really amazing relationship 2D illustrations are included? It really is a great pack, so what are you waiting for? Go explore!
*Though be sure to check each designers licensing information so there's no copyright issues!
To access the free Figma Valentines Day Illustrations kit template; click the 'Get Figma File' button below, then click the 'Open in Figma' button in the top right corner on the subsequent Figma page.
Author: Belovadsgn
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