Ultimate AI Website Creator

We haven't featured any AI generated website designs on Free Figma Templates, as the quality of them is just bad. AI generated websites are usually a 4 out of 10 in regards to visual quality, and so we don't feature them. Though that being said, the guys over at Relume are getting close to 7 out of 10 territory, and improving fast, so it's about time we did give them some exposure.

So how does this whole thing work? Just go to Relume.io, register for free, login and click 'New Project', then auto-generate your sitemap by simply typing in a prompt, and auto generate the wireframes and also the UI design all using AI in seconds. Then head into Figma.com and install the Relume plugin, login to it, then click 'Run Relume Plugin' and select the UI design you just created in Relume.io, and it will import the design into Figma, that's it! A complete website fully editable in Figma.

That all sounds like a lot of steps, but it's not, it's crazy simple and the design it outputs can be really great... but also sometimes pretty awful, luckily there's a refresh button (top right button in the style guide section) that instantly reapplies fonts and a new color scheme, changing the look instantly, which you can then further edit with the options provided.

We also need to note that Relume only allows you one project and one UI design, the additional frames you unlock by paying, but a sitemap, wireframes and a UI design for free in seconds? That truly is magical, and if you're a good designer, you can use this one UI screen design as a reference point for all your additional pages.

Best of luck, AI is getting exciting, but it still needs talented designers like you, to take what it creates and uplift it into something exceptional.

Author: Relume.io

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