Is this a labour of love or an experiment in insanity. Here we have a fully functional operating system created in Figma. Basically just open up this free Figma template and click the prototype button to test out the operating system. Yes that's right, someone has attempted to create an almost fully functioning operating system within Figma, that's just amazing.
In regards to the visual design quality, 90% of the mobile screens look really clean and modern, though there are also some average looking visuals thrown in, for example the brand logo really does not look great, but the settings, sign in and privacy visual UI designs all look simple whilst also looking amazing.
If you're looking to create your own Operating System or even just a general mobile based system or service then this free Figma template should prove invaluable, as it contains such a huge variety of designs covering every possible event or edge case.
To access this free Figma ServiceNow mobile template: click the 'Get Figma File' button below and then click the 'Open in Figma' button on the next page.
Author: Azu
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