On initial glance this set of mobile templates Figma based, seem a little plain, but the second you start adding in imagery and your own copy it instantly looks more lively and interesting.
Let's be clear, this set of mobile templates are extremely well constructed and would work well when applied to any type of website. They're very general layouts, but all have a lot of uses and have been well thought out.
If you're looking to create your own mobile app then utilizing some of these excellente mobile templates is highly advised, even if it's just for one or two screens. Included are mobile UI screen designs for profile pages, galleries, login screens, articles, lists, news and blog post style screens plus mobile screens with swiping components for useful when building dating apps or dating mobile sites.
Just to be clear, these layouts are simply wireframes, it's up to you to add the life and visual interest, but that can easily be accomplished in seconds, just add in your fonts, color scheme and imagery and you're done.
To access this set of mobile templates free in Figma: click the 'Get Figma File' button below and then click the 'Open in Figma' button on the subsequent page.
Author: Gareth Lund and Xi Wang
Providing free Figma templates and
resources for your every need.
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