This free Figma furniture eCommerce design really hits the brief when it comes to exuding professionalism and sophistication (the exact things you want to be as a furniture seller). Also the colour scheme is muted and unique which also gives this landing page some added impact.
Included in this Furniture Figma landing page design are 3 artboards for desktop, tablet and mobile widths. Each of these widths are restructured to be most effective in their size, which is always very important for responsive design.
To download this free Figma furniture eCommerce design just click the big red button below, extract the .fig file and drag into your Figma program. This file doesnt include imagery, so if you want the full effect just drag in some imagery from Unsplash.
Copyright: Please refer to the Behance Inwood Page for full full rights and copyright details.
Author: Al Razi Siam
Providing free Figma templates and
resources for your every need.
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