One fan of icons has spent a significant amount of time to compile all of the largest icon packs in the world into one singular free Figma icons super pack and it's available right here.
Included in this line icons pack are a variety of different icon packs combined, such as the official Google icons, Facebook icons, Apple icons, Bootstrap icons, Coolicons, Flaticon, all up there's 36 completely different icon packs here, which when added together makes for over 56,000 completely different icons.
So if you're looking for absolutely any type of icon, then the chances of you finding it in this free Figma pack are about 99.9%.
That being said, be sure to check the copyright information when using these icons, as each have unique requirements which can be found on their respective websites.
To access this free Figma icons super pack: click the 'Get Figma File' button below and then click the 'Open in Figma' button on the subsequent page.
Author: DjectStudio
Providing free Figma templates and
resources for your every need.
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