At first glance this free Figma template just looks like a couple of webpage designs, but then you uncover there's more components and more sections and more and more, it's hundreds of carefully crafted sections of a website that you can mix and match to create your own Green Energy website design in seconds.
Included are components covering topics such as: about, blog items, careers, contacts, FAQ, features, footers, cookie notification designs, hero sections, newsletter items, pricing options, teams, testimonials and of course, a wide selection of 404 page design components. Now let's be clear, just because the focus on this website template design is green energy, it doesn't mean your website needs to focus on that. Just by changing the color scheme you can instantly retheme this website from a nature focus to a business, finance or corporate focus (for example changing all the forest greens to vibrant and matt blues.
Also included is a simple but useful style guide and (as mentioned) a couple of landing page designs, so you can see how to mix and match the components to create on single coherent page design.
Unfortunately this template only includes desktop sizes, not mobile or tablet, so you will need to put some effort into creating these size variations for your develop, but hey, we can't have everything can we? It is free after all.
To access this free Figma green energy website components kit: click the 'Get Figma File' button below and then click the 'Open in Figma' button on the subsequent page.
Author: Shuffle
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