These futuristic tech focused icons are very refreshing, as the quality of them is incredible, and they just don't look like 3D icons you see nowadays which are normally quite simple and chunky.
This futuristic 3D icon set is highly detailed and very surreal, it inlcues 100 icons! So a truly massive selection, though it should be noted that you can't scale these icons up too large or they start to look pixellated, so theyre great for mobile app designs or website designs but not great if used on an A3 Poster or Billboard.
Included are beautiful 3D icons showcasing such subjects as; technology, files, communication, graphs, saving, uploading, video and media. Have fun playing with these icons!
To access this free Figma Futuristic 3D Icon Set: click the 'Get Figma File' button below and then click the 'Open in Figma' button on the subsequent page.
Author: Liwanx
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