It's nice to see a Japanese Design System, especially one so comprehensive. This design system is called Falcon and comes from the company Speeda. If you speak Japanese. It also is presented really beautifully, so if you're looking to create your own online version of a design system then this is a great reference point.
Included in this free Figma design system is the usual components: buttons, checkboxes, dropdowns, navigation, lists, tabs, tables, tooltips, icons and a more full featured template that shows all the items together.
What would you use this design system for? Well the design style of the system is clean, solid and functional, so you can drag and drops these components in together to create a visually solid, trustworthy and comfortable user interface or mobile app. This style of this system would work well with financial apps, leadership or advice websites or apps or functional systems or software, such as a financial management system. So if you want to create a serious and professional user interface this design system would be great to use.
Grab Speeda's Falcon design system free in Figma today!
To access the Speeda design system named Falcon; just click the download button below, then click the 'Open in Figma' button and you will now have an editable version of the template in your Figma working files library.
Author: Design Base
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