Here we have 35 bright and colorful icons in light mode and 35 more in dark mode. Each of these icons absolutely pops off the screen and would look great added to any type of website or mobile app.
The colors can also be changed fairly easily, basically you need to select the icon, then click: 'see all selection colors' and then move the hue slider of all the colors to the one you want. So if the icon is 10 shades of green you just change the hue slider to shades of red.
The icons showcase the most used digital functions such as icons for chat, messaging, alerts, shopping, video, cloud storage, tags, security and imagery.
If your UI design just uses a bunch of generic line icons then this is your chance to totally revamp your look and add a level of fun and energy.
To access the free Figma bright colorful icons template; simply click the 'Get Figma File' button below, then click the 'Open in Figma' button in the top right corner of the subsequent page.
Author: lnliuning
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