The Atomize Design System version 3.0 really is a great showcase of how far design systems have come. It's incredibly well structured, easy to navigate and also comprehensive and of a very high standard. OK, we're starting to sound a bit over the top, but it really is just everything you would want in a design system. Design systems never, ever looked like this 5 years ago, but as each new design system was released, the ones that came afterwards just built upon them over and over until we have the amazing design systems of 2023.
Included are over 3000 components including buttons, avatars, checkboxes, toggles, chips, tags, input fields, pagination, a date picker, lists, sidebars, modals and tables, though the only real issue is the font used is called 'General Sans' which you may need to source seperately. Either that or you can just select all missing fonts and Figma can automatically replace it with a more generic font of your choosing (Manrope, Poppins or Montserrat are our recommendations).
To access the Atomize Design System: click the 'Get Figma File' button below and then click the 'Open in Figma' button on the subsequent page.
Author: Akash Tyagi
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