With line icons the current standard feature of modern websites, things are starting to all look a little repettitive, so if you really want to stand out, try using this huge set of 3D icons and logos. Just by replacing your usual boring, flat icons with these 3D versions your website will immediately look a lot more visually interesting and of a higher quality.
Included in this 3D Logo and Icon Pack are over 130 different varieties, covering a large range of topics from technology and electronic payments to weather, finance and social media. Also included are a huge range of free 3D logos covering all the big tech businesses such as Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Discord, Spotify and Amazon.
If you want to make your website more fun, cooler and more colorful then this free Figma 3D logo and icon pack is for you.
To get the free Figma 3D Logo and Icon Pack: click the 'Get Figma File' button below then click or tap the 'Open in Figma' button on the subsequent website.
Author: Viachas Kul
Providing free Figma templates and
resources for your every need.
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